
Tooth Extractions in Abilene KS

There are times when an extraction is necessary. The tooth or teeth may be too decayed, too broken, or too damaged to save. There may be an impaction, severe periodontal disease or an infected root gone too far for a root canal to be effective.

Whatever the reason, we are equipped for swift, professional tooth extraction at our Abilene, KS dental office, and our doctors will be able to present you with your options for tooth replacement.

After Your Tooth Extraction

The most important thing after a tooth is extracted is for a clot to form on the socket. Follow our doctors instructions, biting down on a gauze pad immediately and maintaining pressure for 30-45 minutes. If the bleeding and oozing persists, continue biting on a fresh pad for an additional 30 minutes.

Once the blood clots in the socket, avoid disturbing it. Don't swish liquid in your mouth, drink with a straw, smoke, drink alcohol, or brush the teeth on that side of your mouth. Limit exercise as raised blood pressure can also cause renewed bleeding, and dislodge the clot. If the clot is dislodged, a condition known as "dry socket" can occur, and this is very painful.

Pain and swelling are to be expected after an extraction, so use a frozen bag of corn or peas to confuse the pain carrying nerves in your face and take pain medications as directed. Our doctor will prescribe adequate pain relief for after your extraction, and may prescribe antibiotics as well to lessen risk of infection.

Drink lots of fluids (slowly, carefully) and eat soft foods for a few days. Resume your regular oral hygiene regimen after 24 hours. Swelling and pain should subside after 48 hours, and within a few days you should feel fine and able to resume normal activities. If not, call our office.

If you have heavy bleeding from the extraction site, severe pain and / or swelling for 2-3 days, or an adverse reaction to any medication, please call our office.

Patient Referral Program

Refer A Friend - Get $25!

  • You'll receive a $25 credit to your account for every person you refer to our practice who completes their new patient appointment. Your friend will also receive a $25 credit to be used at their next appointment.

106 NW 15th St.

Abilene, KS 67410


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Opening Hours

M – Th: 8 AM – 4 PM